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Thursday, June 16, 2011

SBI 4987 PO Associate Bank August 2011 exam syllabus, sample paer, books, pattern

SBI 4987 PO Associate Bank August 2011 exam syllabus, sample paer, books, pattern

On August 7, 2011 SBI will be conducting a written exam for the recruitment of 4987 PO in associate banks. Here is a look at its exam pattern, what and how to prepare and download books for SBI PO exam as well.

Phase-I - Written Examination :
Time Duration: 3 Hrs.
(Objective & Descriptive Type Tests -- Max. Marks - 250).

The duration of objective type test will be 2 hours max. marks 200 and will consist of :

i) Test of English Language (Grammer, Vocabulary, Comprehension etc.): 50 questions 50 marks.
ii) Test of General Awareness, Marketing & Computers:  50 questions 50 marks.
iii) Test of Data Analysis & Interpretation:  50 questions 50 marks.
iv) Test of Reasoning (High Level): 50 questions 50 marks.

Phase-II : Group Discussion & Interview :
Max Marks - 50 (GD - 20, Interview - 30)
The aggregate marks of objective and descriptive test will be arranged in descending order and the candidate who have qualified in both the written tests will be called for group discussion and interview depending upon the vacancies in each category, subject to maximum of 3 times of the vacancies.

1 comment:

  1. sir,

    can i know that wich type reasing high level
